About Me

A Charlottesville family goes to Ethiopia for three months to try to be useful to a school and a remote church, but also get some perspective on their own lives.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Well, I had internet, and now I don't - so I am borrowing Michael Weller's computer just to get this out. It is a long story – I will just say that it took hours to get my little internet device for my laptop – that was supposed to provide a month’s worth of emailing and blogging, and it worked swell for slightly less than an hour – so I will bring brought the device back to the store aka Ministry of Telecommunication for another session, during which many, many people will weigh in with their perspective on the matter.  Because it is so data intensive, I will have to wait to post the pictures - we have some good ones.
Hopefully this will go out, this evening. We are trying NOT to find out who won the super bowl, so we can buy the DVD on the street and watch it at home. Don’t be a spoiler!
We went to two church services on Sunday, one at the International Evangelical Church, and then one at the Mekane Jesus Seminary. I could write a lot about both, but suffice it to say that the Holy Spirit is really on the move over here. I was sorely tempted to lift my hands, and even clap but I kept my Olivet composure – I am likely to weaken on this front.

I will let Lily write about our visit to Mother Theresa’s orphanage for HIV orphans….


  1. Our prayers remain with you as you work and live and serve with your new friends. Thanks for the grand descriptions of all ... our love is with you! Jesus said, "I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn't fragile like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid. John 14: 27

  2. The pairing of the pictures of what is wide-eyed and wonderful and what is reality is so fabulous. Keep it coming. I am fascinated and inspired!
