About Me

A Charlottesville family goes to Ethiopia for three months to try to be useful to a school and a remote church, but also get some perspective on their own lives.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lily and Sophie and Their Students

We have had a full week and are glad to have a weekend to decompress a bit.  I have some more posts to add, but wanted to get this pics up and Lily and Spohie's comments as well - They are  actually teaching their own classes.  We are a bit surprised by this, but both seem to be embracing the challenge - a few pics and their thoughts below...

The children here are the most affectionate I have ever met. Although I have only been teaching for two days, I have found it to be an incredible experience. It is somewhat of an interesting one as well – I consider myself still a “kid” but these children address me as “teacher.” All of the children I have been in the classroom with are highly motivated and have an intense desire to learn. They beg to be taught, even during their recess. They ask many questions and I can see that they respect me. What they do not know is how much I respect them for their diligence. Today, several children surprised me with little gifts, the majority of which were pictures drawn on torn pieces of paper. These presents are now my treasures, as are the children.

The kids in my classes are very grateful to have an American teacher helping them with their English. When I first walked in the classrooms I was shocked to see so many kids in one room. There are 50 kids to a class and the rooms are pretty small. The kids take school very seriously. During break time the children all circle around you and ask you many questions. Their English isn’t great so it’s hard to understand them. I nod my head a lot and say yes like in the movie Madagascar. I’m very excited to be teaching here and to be getting to know my students.


  1. Sophie!
    I really miss you, and I'm glad to see your having fun! I told you this was going to be an amazing thing for you and I hope you are enjoying it. It's pretty cold here in Virginia and we had a two hour delay yesterday because we got a half inch of snow.. I miss working with you! I hope I can talk to you soon!
    I love you.

  2. Lily and Sophie,

    I am really proud of you guys, and cannot believe you all are teaching your own classes. That must be pretty hard, but I know you all are enjoying it. I love reading all of the stories, and just really wish I was there experiencing this with you all. You guys a fantastic.

    I love you and miss you, and hope to talk to you all soon,


  3. So glad to hear that you both are having a great time teaching. I'm inspired by your courage to just jump right in with teaching, sharing your enthusiasm and passion to make a difference.

    Oh so proud of you!

    :) Aimee

  4. Hi Lily and Sophie,
    It's so good to see pictures of you and the children, and to read the stories of your experiences. You both have amazing gifts to share with them. Have they taught you any new songs yet? :-)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Lily and Sophie-

    We are all amazed at the photos and your story thus far. Elsa says hello to Eliza. Elsa and I say prayers for all of you every day we pass your house on the way to school (or any other time we pass your house). You and your whole family are thus constantly in our thoughts and prayers because we pass your house so much!

    God bless you all.

