About Me

A Charlottesville family goes to Ethiopia for three months to try to be useful to a school and a remote church, but also get some perspective on their own lives.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Some Pictures

I was just writing to a friend that somehow, being shaken up by our new surroundings, scripture is easier to read, and it is much easier to get engrossed in it.  "Whatever things are written in the past were written for our learning so that through endurance and the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope." Romans 15:4.

Julie's new colleagues:

Secret nap spot:

Washing hands before dinner:

Different opinions about the food:

Nyles and Anne Reimer - they lived in Gambella from 1955 to 1972.  They are in the final stages of translation of the Bible into Annuak.

Sophie and Friend:

Eliza with Friends:

Omod (President of EGBS) in Addis for meetings:


  1. thanks for sharing the photos. the food looks so amazing! Ok Sophie, Lily, Ben, and Eliza, I want some cooking lessons so please please please figure out how to make that yummy food! It could be a fun youth group activity for both groups!

    :) Aimee

  2. It is hard to put into words the awe we feel for the selfless acts of love you are spreading in Addis....tears of joy...pride for knowing you...inspired!

  3. Dear Eliza,
    I am SO excited to hear that you are teaching the little ones! They are really blessed to have such a sweet girl as their teacher! We really miss you at Meriwether and can't wait to hear all about your adventure when you return to school in May. Tomorrow I am going to show my class your photos and share your news with your friends here.

    Sending you lots of love,
    Ms. Wetmore-Simpson

  4. Oh, wow. It is so nice of you to go Eliza, and i know that you are doing the right thing, but i miss you SO much. I can't wait until I see you again.

    From, Abbey
