About Me

A Charlottesville family goes to Ethiopia for three months to try to be useful to a school and a remote church, but also get some perspective on their own lives.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Free Talking with Sophie!

[this notion of "Free Talking with Sophie" was created by one of the teachers here as a reward to good classroom behaviour - this is Sophie's account of one class]

Free talking with Sophie
The 6th grade classes had a homework assessment where they had to make up questions to ask me. They were practicing their manners and how journalists ask questions. Many of the questions were about what American schools were like. This one girl asked many good and funny questions.
The first question: “If you could be God for a day what would you do?”
The second question: “What hair products do you use?
The third question: “If you lived here would you marry an Ethiopian?”
The fourth question: “What race are you?”
The fifth question: “What has changed you the most?”
 I told the class that America schools are very different from Ethiopian schools.  In America we use text books and have four classes a day. The kids all thought it was weird to have only four classes. Our punishment in America is very different from Ethiopia. I told the class that we have long forms and go to the principal’s office. In their school the teachers smack the kids with their hand or a rope. They told me that American’s punishment is so easy. My response to the first question was if I could be God for one day there would be no war and everyone would be friendly with each other. The hair products I use are shampoo and a deep conditioner. They all laughed when I said this. The third question I told them was that I love Ethiopia but I think I will marry an American. Many of the kids asked me about my race. I told them I was Tan. They didn’t understand what Tan meant so then I just said yeah I’m white. One quiet girl asked me a very good question and it was in my life what has changed me? I told her that being adopted changed my life. It was very hard to explain to them about what being adopted is about. Then someone asked me if I want to go to see my family. I told her “yes” when I am older I want to visit Romania.


  1. Sophie,

    You are beautiful. . . love this post, love the picture of all those kids peppering you with questions, loved your answers.

  2. Happy Mardi Gras 3/8 from the O'Donnells! What kinds of custom celebrations do they have Eliza? We miss you all and every time we drive by your house we think of your incredible adventure -- please send us the date you get home so we can bring over some American FOOD!!!! xxoo Love, Skye and Lauren who has purple, green, and gold icing all over her from making Mardi Gras cookies. Lauren has to go to bed now because the SOL Writing test is tomorrow!

  3. Love it! This is such great experience for you for when you are a teacher!

    Miss you Sophie!


  4. Sophie, you are the best, as usual. The questions the kids asked indicate how comfortable they are with you. Also, if you all lose electricity, your smile can light up your house.

    I miss you at HT.
    Mr. Reid
