About Me

A Charlottesville family goes to Ethiopia for three months to try to be useful to a school and a remote church, but also get some perspective on their own lives.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Asheabo and Agrobo and Lily - Pics without Pontification

Some folks know that Kevin O'Shea and Chris Grover are over here on "official church business...."

On the flight to Gambella

A few minutes later

Chris terrorizing the children with a harmonica:

Kevin after the distribution of a donation of shoes from the Ragged Mountain Running Shop

Kevin administering Pop Rocks

Lily and Kevin enjoying some local fare...

Lily with her fan club ( a note about that child's hair...because young children die so frequently here, this is the hair cut they get.  It is the believe that if a child dies, this haircut makes it easier for God to pick them up to take them to heaven.

More pics - no time to title them...

1 comment:

  1. Great to see more of the photos you all have taken and somewhat magical to see Kevin and Chris show up in these! We hope the brick machine is up and running.

    Thanks for the update.

    Take care and God bless you all.

