About Me

A Charlottesville family goes to Ethiopia for three months to try to be useful to a school and a remote church, but also get some perspective on their own lives.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ready to "Take Off"

Well, so far so good.  We got up @ 4:30, had everyone in the car by 5:15 and then Julie mandated that everyone get out of the car and make their beds.   Really?  We left after that.

This blogging thing is a little too easy - I will write a proper entry on the flight.  But again, thanks to everyone for getting us out the door.  I wonder how many stink bugs are crawling out of our bags right now to explore the plane's hull. 


  1. This is so exciting. The pictures are great too. Keep it coming.

  2. Can't wait to read more of your journey. Praying for your trip right now.


  3. I miss you guys oh SO much! Im glad you all are doing well, and got there safely. I will be missing you and am going to keep reading the blog. I love you guys very much!!!!!

  4. I'm so glad to read that everything is going well thus far! You all are in my and my family prayers.

    Miss you guys! Tell Sophie I say hi and that I miss texting and talking to her!

    In Him,
    Chris Bopp

  5. We baked Peanut Butter cookies at GraceWorks today with the Greer group. The devotions and baking were both successful; I led a 5-minute talk on aromas that are good and bad, and how the good aromas are associated with life, things that are cared for, and things done well, whereas bad aromas are associated with death, things that haven't been cared for, and things that haven't been done well. The Biblical text was 2 Corinthians 2:15, and I said how our actions "smell" bad or good to the Lord and those around us, and to remember that while the smell of the yummy cookies was in the air -- much better than burnt cookies would be. The kids then were set on smelling every ingredient multiple times before it was put into the mixing bowl. :-P

    The dogs miss you all already. I know because they are hounding me for attention for the first time.

